The Effect of Financial Development on Green Total Factor Productivity Growth in the Yangtze River Economic Belt Zhou Wuqi and Zhu Yanan November 26, 2018 (Jiangnan University, Wuxi Jiangsu, 214122)Abstract:This paper, based on the directional distance function and Global Malmquist-Luenberger index, measures the green total factor productivity for the eleven provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. From the perspectives of both financial depth and financial efficiency, the relationship between financial development and green tota...
Financial Development and Export Upgrading in the Background of Different Institutional Quality Huang Yongming and Chen Xiaofei November 26, 2018 (Central China Development Research Institute, Wuhan University, Wuhan Hubei 430072)Abstract:This paper proposes the theoretical hypothesis that in different institutional environments, financial development will play a different role on export upgrading. Based on the panel data of the Chinese provinces from 2004 to 2015, the paper uses threshold model to investigate the impact of financial d...
Robots in China: Status,Future and Impact——Empirical evidence from the China Employer—Employee Survey (CEES) Cheng Hong,Chen Wenjin and Li Tang November 1, 2018 (Institute of Quality Development Strategy, Wuhan University)Abstract:As a manufacturing country that is in the critical period of economic transformation, the development status, future and impact of China's industrial robots is a very important research topic. However, due to the lack of first—hand survey data, the existing literature does not conduct a com¬prehensive empirical analysis of ...
Do Overseas Study Visits Promote Journal Paper Outputs by University Faculty?--- An Analysis Based on the 2014 University Faculty Survey in China Zhang Bingbing1, Zhang Qinggen2 and Shen Hong2 May 26, 2018 (1. School of Public Management, Northwest University, Xi’an Shaanxi 710069;2. School of Education, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan Hubei 430074)Abstract: In China’s campaign to elevate its best universities into the world first-class level, overseas study visits serve as a key indicator of the internationalization of university faculties and an important way to improve t...
Which Improves Workers’ Job Satisfaction: Long Term Contract or Perceived Job Security? Zhou Chuang1,2 and Guo Fuyin1 May 26, 2018 (1.School of Economics, DUFE , Liaoning Dalian 116025;2.Center for Econometric Analysis and Forecasting, DUFE, Liaoning Dalian 116025)Abstract: This study attempts to analyze the different effects of long term contract and perceived job security on the workers’ job satisfaction, using POLS method based on CLDS data in 2012 and in 2014. It is found that the perceived job security improves evi...
Fertility Effect, Currency Path and Regulatory Effect ——And a concurrent analysis of "Happiness - Income" Puzzle Lu Qiang May 22, 2018 (College of Economics and Management,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing Jiangsu 210000)Abstract: The paper constructs a concept model for the fertility behavior and subjective well-being , and puts forward and verifies the relevant hypothesis based on CGSS2013 data. The study finds that: 1) Currency factors which include income and consumption have cover effect in the process of fertilit...
Marketization Process, Institutional Quality and Conditional "Resource Curse"—— An Empirical Test Based on Panel Threshold Model Zheng Shangzhi and Xu Jun May 22, 2018 (Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Dalian Liaoning 116025)Abstract: Based on the retrospective analysis of relevant literature and the statistical observation of empirical facts, this paper proposes a conditional ‘resource curse’ hypothesis. By using the panel data of 30 Chinese provinces from 1998 to 2014, an attempt is made to verify that the “resource curse” does not exist at ...
Trust Level and Decentralization——On the Impact of Social Trust Level on Support for Regulation Based on the Chinese Data Xu Jianbin1, Li Chungen1 and Qi Yu2 May 22, 2018 (1. Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang Jiangxi 330013; 2. Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan Hubei 430073)Abstract: The level of trust not only has a profound influence on the economic development, but also has a significant impact on the policy preferences of the general public. Based on the background of decentralization and reconstruction of social credit sy...