On the Marketization and Its Limitation of Special Equipment’s Inspection and Detection Luo Meiying and Tan Qingzhi May 1, 2016 The marketization reform of special equipment’s inspection and detection will help to streamline administration and delegate power to the lower levels, thus administrative efficiency is enhanced as well as administrative cost reduced.On the other hand, the marketization also helps to improve the service quality ...
Can the Improvement of Information Disclosure Quality of Listed Companies Reduce Noise of Trading? Huhui and Zhang songlai May 1, 2016 In the stock market, information about listed companies is the important basis of decision-making.The efficiency of market lies in the authenticity, the integrity and the reliability of information that the market conveys.Thus, information disclosure quality plays a significant role.However, there inevitably ...
Review of Research Progress in Chinese Ancient Quality Management Song Shilei May 1, 2016 The origin of China’s quality culture can go back to Shang and Zhou Dynasties.For a long time, research on ancient China’s quality culture is scattered and lack of a comprehensive review.This article attempts to comb and summarize t...
Comparative Product Testing: Research of the Stiftung Warentest and Its Impact Günter Silberer May 1, 2016 The Stiftung Warentest was constructed as a hybrid between a corporation in the field of consumer information and political institution designed for the improvement of the market economy in Germany during the transformation to an 《affluent society》. Also, it is a typical institution of the comparative product testing method for pr...
An Analysis on the Migrant Workers’ Employment Quality in China: 2009-2013 Qin Jianguo May 1, 2016 Through a detailed analysis of the migrant workers’ employment quality evaluation in 2009-2013 of China, we empirically found that the migrant workers’ employment quality in China over the past five years, has been improved, but the overall quality is low, and growth slow down year by year. ...
Estimating Urban and Rural Residents Willingness to Pay for Safe Oil:A Survey in 17 Provinces of China Qin Ming, Li Yue and Wang Zhigang May 1, 2016 With the development of social economy, the life that consumers pursuit is developing from subsistence to nutritional health. Based on Contingent Value Method, this paper estimates how much consumers in urban and rural would like to pay for safe oil and analyzes the in...
The Evaluation and Influence Factors Analysis of Economic Growth Quality:An Empirical Study from Hubei Province Ma Qiangwen and Bai Wen May 1, 2016 In this paper, the quality of economic growth is analysed empirically from 2000 to 2013 in hubei province through the six dimensions of economic growth quality evaluation. The results show that the economic growth of hubei province quality basically showing a steady upward trend since 2000, in which e...