Wuhan University Institute of Quality Development Strategy (Wuhan University China Enterprise Survey and Data Center) is a research and education institution with academic and professional focus on the quality issues in China’s economic development process. Established by Wuhan University Institute of Quality Development Strategy (IQDS), Wuhan University China Enterprise Survey and Data Center is co-chaired by Cheng Hong from Wuhan University.
IQDS has successfully conducted China Employer-Employee Survey (CEES), the world’s first large-scale on-site investigation into the employer-employee match ever performed in a major developing economy, and provides first-hand, top quality and sustainable data resources to scholars working at IQDS.
IQDS has established regular scientific research cooperation channels with many prestigious universities, including Stanford University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Waseda University, etc. IQDS works together with renowned experts. It has published research papers in top-notch scientific periodicals including Journal of Economic Perspective and offers valuable opportunities for scholars working at IQDS to cooperate with world-renowned experts in scientific research.
At the same time, IQDS offers abundant funding support, competitive remuneration and comprehensive fringe benefits.
A new office building of IQDS is under construction, following international standards and providing advantageous working environment for scholars working at IQDS.
Application Requirements:
1. PhD in Economics (or to be awarded before June, 2018). Candidates from top universities abroad will be given priority to
2. Strong research capability in economics theory
3. Relevant research basis in econometrics and labor economics
Application process
1. Resume collection (November 1, 2017 to December 15, 2017). Please send your application materials to iqds@whu.edu.cn, including: cover letter, resume, research paper, reference letter, if you are interested.
2. Resume screening (December 16, 2017 to December 30, 2017). We will contact you should it be appropriate to schedule an interview.
3. Interview (January 5, 2018 to January 7, 2018). We will conduct interview during the annual meeting of AEA at Philadelphia.
4. Qualified interviewees will then go through approval process of Wuhan University.