Paradox in Cooperation and Game:Analysis on the Quality of Agriculture Finance Service in the Nanjing Native Government Early Stage-质量院英文网
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Paradox in Cooperation and Game:Analysis on the Quality of Agriculture Finance Service in the Nanjing Native Government Early Stage

May 1, 2016
​Kang Jinli and Xia Yanhui

Kang Jinli and Xia Yanhui

(Economical and Management School,Shijiazhuang Tiedao University)

Abstract: In the Nanjing Government earlier stage, as the agriculture economic recession and finance exhausted, and also considering the need of stable its grassroots ruling, Nanjing National Government advocated agriculture cooperative finance in whole native, and founded financial system included government, urban banks and cooperation. Without specialized cooperative loan institutions, Government chose business and agriculture finance to provide loan from outside. The three subjects pursuited their perspective interests, so that they made repeated game through their cooperation. In the same time, their objects were all diverged from cooperative finance purpose. All these factors led to cooperative finance’s decline and alienation, which being a paradox. This article makes a micro-analysis on the cooperation and game relation of every subjects with game theory for the first time, so as to explain the service quality of cooperative financial system at that time.

Key Words: Cooperative Finance; Service Quality; Game; Paradox