Annual Report on Disclosure of the Food Safety Information from Government-质量院英文网
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Annual Report on Disclosure of the Food Safety Information from Government

April 28, 2016
Kong Fanghua

Abstract: Through browsing the food safety information on some web sites of the government department during June 2012 to July 2013, we find that the emphasis is from system construction to action. The great food safety information is disclosed by the State Food and Drug Administration along with institutional reform. The disclosure about standard of food safety is lightspot of 2012. But the problems remain.The duties of relevant departments are confusing.The content of the information isn’t clear.The disclosure is too late.The quality of the information is low.In order to deal with this situation,the food safety information should be classified and different departments’ obligation should be distinguished.Besides,information platform based on province is important.White Paper on food safety should be released regularly.

Key Words: Food Safety;Government Information;Information Quality