Director Zhi Shuping of AQSIQ Made Important Instructions on Think-tank Reports of IQDS-质量院英文网
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Director Zhi Shuping of AQSIQ Made Important Instructions on Think-tank Reports of IQDS

March 1, 2017

Recently, Zhi Shuping, Director of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ), made important instructions on the think-tank report “Transformation and Upgrading: A Survey Report on Manufacturing Enterprises in Guangdong Province” submitted by IQDS. The instructions put, “The proposals in this report are pertinent and referential, and its copies can be issued and studied among the departments for quality improvement actions.” 

This report, a think-tank advisory report compiled by IQDS, consists of detailed analysis and policy research on the economic development and its conditions and problems based on the data of China Employer-Employee Survey (CEES). It also received the important instructions by Hu Chunhua, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Secretary, Zhu Xiaodan, Member of the Central Committee and Governor of Guangdong province, Yuan Baocheng, Province Vice Governor of Guangdong Province, and other leaders of Guangdong Party and government. It noted, the proposals of the report function as an important reference for the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry in Guangdong Province, and it is suggested that the corresponding departments should take the lead in formulating and implementing manufacturing quality improvement proposals in Guangdong Province by following the requirements General Secretary Xi Jinping made at the Central Economic Work Conference.

In order to comprehensively and objectively reflect the status quo, problems and trends of manufacturing industry in Guangdong Province and to promote the transformation and upgrading of Guangdong manufacturing industry and optimize its development, in support of Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision of Guangdong Province, more than 300 experts, scholars, doctors and graduate students successfully made a tracking survey on the 536 enterprises and 5299 employees of last year’s survey of 571 enterprises and 4988 employees. The sample enterprises, involving 27 types of manufacturing industries, covered all areas of the Pearl River Delta and other representative areas of Guangdong province, including the large-, medium-, small- and micro-sized enterprises as well as the state-owned, private, foreign-funded enterprises.

Since 2016, IQDS gave full play to its independent think-tank briefings– “Luojia Development Think Tank”, shifting from the past passive “a la carte” think-tank service model to “active supply”. IQDS focused on national and social hot issues from the perspective of quality innovation and quality development, and so far, more than 50 think-tank reports have been submitted to the State Council, the Central Office, AQSIQ, Guangdong and Hubei Provincial Government, and 39 municipal and regional governments.