Secretary of Hubei Provincial Party Committee Li Hongzhong Made Important Instructions on Research Results of IQDS-质量院英文网
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Secretary of Hubei Provincial Party Committee Li Hongzhong Made Important Instructions on Research Results of IQDS

April 25, 2016

In January 2016, secretary of Hubei provincial party committee Li Hongzhong, made import instructions on “Speeding up Local Legislation to Reform Elevator Safety Supervision System in Our Province” submitted by IQDS.

The report points out the main problems existing in the elevator safety supervision system in Hubei Province, and puts forward five suggestions on the basis of analysis and research.  

The report is the stage results of a special study “Hubei Province Elevator Safety Supervision System”, which about 20 experts and scholars organized by IQDS in nearly one year. To do a solid job in empirical investigation, project team went to nearly 100 sites related to each link in elevator safety to carry out on-site in-depth interview with nearly 300 persons involving the main responsibility, through questionnaires, individual analysis and discussion, etc. Research team have collected related literature of elevator safety supervision at home and abroad, in a total of more than 30 million words. And the team have surveyed elevator safety supervision and regulation in Germany, Britain and the United States and other countries, together with custody and reform of elevator safety in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Heilongjiang, Guizhou, Anhui and other provinces.