On Jan. 6, 2016, Zhi Shuping, director of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ), made instruction on “Suggestions about Insisting and Enriching ‘Twelve-Word’ Working Guideline” submitted by IQDS: “Research and suggestion of Cheng Hong, dean of Wuhan University Institute of Quality Development Strategy is noteworthy. General Office and Research center are requested to organize careful study on this, enriching the connotation of ‘Twelve-word’ working guideline with features of New Normal.”
Based on our research analysis of several projects including “The Mechanism of Quality Control System with Chinese Characteristics”, “Development Strategy of Quality Control under New Normal” and “Comparison of Strategy of Quality Strengthening Country among Main Countries in the World”, in combination with a series of important decisions and arrangements made by the central Party and government authorities recently, this report proposes to persist in and enrich the “Twelve-Word” working guideline, namely “cling to quality, guarantee safety, promote development, strengthen quality control”.