Brand, Word-of-Mouth and Certification: A Comparative Analysis on the Choice of Quality Signals of Different Types of Enterprises-质量院英文网
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Brand, Word-of-Mouth and Certification: A Comparative Analysis on the Choice of Quality Signals of Different Types of Enterprises

November 2, 2016
Cheng Hong, Tan Lin

Abstract: Quality signal transmission is of great value for reducing information asymmetry and promoting product sales, and is also a cost for enterprises. Therefore, how to choose a best quality signal is what enterprises should focus on when making business decisions. Through an empirical study on quality signal selection based on a large samples of business survey, it is found that in general, brand is enterprises’ favorite quality signal, word-of-mouth ranks the second, and the lowest proportion chooses certification, which indicates that a third party’s capacity to provide quality signal is obviously lagging behind. Due to enterprises' capability differences in affording“signal cost”, large and medium-sized enterprises mainly take brand as the quality signal,while small businesses tend to choose word-of-mouth. Industries featuring search goods tend to choose brand, and industries featuring experience goods prefer word-of-mouth. Accordingly,suggestions are proposed as follows: The government should boost the market for third-party certification to develop effective quality signal of certification; Small businesses should formulate signaling strategies centered on word-of-mouth with the idea‘small is beautiful’behind them; Efforts should be made to enhance brand strength, optimize brand structure and increase market value of brands.