Conference call for papers from International Journal of Conflict Management
Guest Editors:
Professor CHENG Hong, Wuhan University, China; Professor CHIN Tachia, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China; Professor Richard A Posthuma, University of Texas at El Paso, USA
As China steps into a crucial period of institutional changes and social transformation, relationships with social interests are developing new trends. From this background, the special issue sets out to explore current conflicts and development trends in China during its transition. Empirical studies based on high-quality, first-hand firm survey data are welcomed on the following issues:
- What kind of new trends have resulted from the recent of conflicts in China's economic development?
- Do the conflicts between economic development and social governance hinder the improvement of social welfare?
- Have conflicts between urban employees and migrant workers been reduced, or not?
- How will the conflicts between labor shortage and human capital quality affect China's transition?
- What is the change about conflicts between distribution of income and economic development model oriented to domestic demand?
Topics of this special issue include (but are not limited to):
- Conflicts in China's economic development
- Conflict between economics development and social governance
- Conflicts between urban residents and rural residents under the household registration system
- Conflicts between labor shortage and human capital quality upgrade
- Conflicts between distribution of income and economic development model oriented to domestic demand.
Submission Procedure:
To submit papers to the conference, send abstracts to: Cheng Hong at Wuhan University at this email address: no later than 31 January 2017.
Submissions to this journal are through the ScholarOne submission system here: http://mc/
Please visit the author guidelines for the journal at which gives full details. Please ensure you select this special issue from the relevant dropdown menu on page four of the submission process.
Submission Deadline:
31 January 2017 - Abstract submission
28 February 2017 - Notification of acceptance of abstract
19-20 June 2017 - Paper presented and discussed at the Special Issue Conference
31 July 2017 - Selected papers submitted after conference revision to be reviewed
31 January 2018 - Selected papers reviewed and revised
Please email expressions of interest to Editors below:
Guest Editor Professor CHENG Hong, Wuhan University, China. Email:
Editor Professor Richard A Posthuma, University of Texas at El Paso, USA. Email:
Guest Co-Editor Professor CHIN Tachia, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China. Email:
Angela Shin-yih, Chen, Yu-hsiang, Hou, I-heng, Wu. (2016). 'Handling conflict at work - the impact of active and agreeable conflict styles', International Journal of Conflict Management. 27(1): 50-61
Dannii, Y., Yeung Helene H., Fung Darius Chan. (2015). 'Managing conflict at work: comparison between younger and older managerial employees', International Journal of Conflict Management. 26(3): 342-364
Chin, T., Liu, R-h. (2015). 'Understanding labor conflicts in Chinese manufacturing: a YinYang harmony perspective', International Journal of Conflict Management. 26(3):288-315.
About the Journal
IJCM is ranked by AERES (France), Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Quality Journal List, Australian Research Council (ERA Journal List), ESSEC (France), Scopus, The Publication Forum (Finland), Thomson Reuters (ISI), etc. It is indexed and abstracted in: Academic Search Premier, Business Source Alumni Edition/Complete/Corporate Plus/Elite/Premier (EBSCO), Business Source Premier, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, Psychology Behavioural Sciences Collection (EBSCO), SocIndex (EBSCO), Corporate ResourceNet (EBSCO), ESSEC Business School, INSPEC, OCLC's Electronic Collections Online, ProQuest - ABI Inform, Psychological Abstracts, PsycINFO, PsycLIT, Research Alert, Psychology & Behavioral Collection, ReadCube Discover, Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index, Sociological Abstracts & Sociological Collection.
About the Conference: 19-20 June 2017 at Wuhan University
The Conference for the Special Issue of International Journal of Conflict Management (IJCM) will be held on 19-20 June 2017 at Wuhan University in China. Authors whose abstracts are accepted are automatically invited to participate in the Special Issue Conference. IJCM Editor, Prof. Richard A. Posthuma, and Guest Editors, Prof. CHENG Hong and Prof. CHIN Tachia will serve as mentors on papers. Interested authors are requested to prepare full manuscripts, and present them in the Conference. Each manuscript will be discussed and reviewed by the Editors and participants of the Conference. Although attendance is not mandatory, it will provide an opportunity for further feedback and paper development.
More detailed information will be given to the authors together with the acceptance letter of abstracts.
Any questions about the Conference, please contact Prof. CHENG Hong at and Prof. CHIN Tachia at
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