Wuhan University Cultivated the First Doctors in Macro-quality Management-质量院英文网
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Wuhan University Cultivated the First Doctors in Macro-quality Management

July 1, 2015

In July 2015, 2 professional doctoral candidates majoring in macro-quality management cultivated by our institute had graduated smoothly, and gained the doctorate in management, who were the first doctors in this major cultivated by China, with the tutor of Professor Hong Cheng.

Our institute took the lead in admitting the master of quality engineering nationwide in 2008, firstly admitted the doctoral students majoring in macro-quality management nationwide in 2012, and gained the approval of doctoral program and master program majoring in macro-quality management in 2013. The high-level talent cultivation of macro-quality management subject formed a complete system.

Our institute persisted in the empirical research method and laid emphasis on the heuristic method. More than 800 master degree candidates in macro-quality management cultivated has gradually been the core force of quality management work in China.